101.   He said Mexican authorities have not confirmed that report.

102.   Health authorities confirmed Wednesday the fifth case of mad cow disease in Denmark.

103.   Health authorities on Friday confirmed the sixth case of mad cow disease in Denmark.

104.   He was detained last month after giving a speech suggesting that the number of dissidents killed was more than the four confirmed by authorities.

105.   However, national police chief Gen. Ernesto Gilibert said authorities had not confirmed chemical weapons were used and were still investigating.

106.   However, authorities in Marawi confirmed only two gunmen and two civilians had been killed.

107.   In other developments Friday, Yugoslav authorities confirmed they are holding two Australian aid workers who have been missing for more than a week, Australia said.

108.   In Nairobi, authorities confirmed they had arrested a second former Rwandan official but declined to give his name.

109.   Indian authorities confirmed that Abbas was in custody on a spying charge but denied he had been mistreated.

110.   Indian authorities had confirmed that Abbas was in custody on a spying charge.

n. + confirm >>共 906
official 20.17%
police 7.23%
spokesman 6.80%
source 5.00%
government 2.65%
authority 2.60%
test 2.52%
army 2.42%
report 2.13%
company 2.12%
authority + v. >>共 668
say 21.31%
be 4.79%
have 2.28%
believe 1.74%
arrest 1.68%
investigate 1.60%
refuse 1.49%
try 1.30%
take 1.14%
deny 0.91%
confirm 0.51%
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