91.   The numbers have been rising in all age groups, starting in early adolescence.

92.   The only thing experts know for sure, Carter said, is that truant kids are getting younger and numbers are rising.

93.   The number could rise if Columbia decides to update the present value of its assets from what it paid for them.

94.   The numbers are rising.

95.   The number rose significantly when only young men were considered.

96.   The numbers could rise further Sunday morning when Vice President Al Gore will get his say, also on PBS.

97.   The Police Department controls the flow into jails by making arrests, and those numbers are rising.

98.   The report said that number could rise.

99.   The program already has parallels in a scattering of schools from New Jersey to California, and the numbers are rising.

100.   The Vatican says it is aware of three million to five million Chinese Catholics but says the number could rise dramatically if restrictions on worship are removed.

n. + rise >>共 498
stock 17.07%
price 14.46%
dollar 4.79%
share 4.14%
bond 3.74%
future 2.95%
rate 2.65%
cost 1.59%
tension 1.56%
sale 1.40%
number 0.77%
number + v. >>共 549
be 38.81%
grow 2.06%
have 1.96%
increase 1.59%
come 1.52%
say 1.46%
rise 1.45%
show 1.30%
remain 1.22%
go 1.18%
每页显示:    共 178