91.   The defense really played well.

92.   The fight, in which defense played no role, gained momentum as it went along.

93.   The first-team defense was playing against a scout-team offense when Adrian Murrell carried the ball.

94.   The defense has played well enough to win at least four more games.

95.   The defense played effectively, and five different players scored goals in the balanced attack.

96.   The defense played exceptional and Vince got no credit.

97.   The defense played really well with this staff and this nucleus of players for quite a few years.

98.   The defense played superbly.

99.   The defense played well despite coming into the game challenged by injuries.

100.   The defense played well until the fourth quarter, when it collapsed in familiar fashion.

n. + play >>共 1277
team 11.01%
child 3.00%
band 2.59%
player 1.90%
kid 1.36%
woman 1.22%
guy 1.12%
people 1.04%
chance 1.00%
music 0.99%
defense 0.86%
defense + v. >>共 755
be 21.39%
have 4.75%
argue 3.15%
say 3.04%
play 2.15%
contend 1.71%
make 1.56%
do 1.54%
try 1.21%
claim 1.18%
每页显示:    共 136