team play 115.41   But the team played well.
  child play 31.47   Children played.
  band play 27.19   Bands played.
  player play 19.88   Good players play.
  kid play 14.29   Kids play sports.
  woman play 12.84   The women can play.
  guy play 11.78   Guys played hard.
  people play 10.86   Some people played.
  chance play 10.47   And chance plays a role.
  music play 10.40   Music plays.
  defense play 9.02   The defense played well.
  man play 9.02   The man can play.
  government play 8.89   The government is playing for time.
  politics play 8.69   Politics plays a part.
  winner play 8.43   The winners play on Sunday.
  two play 8.16   The two only played once.
  club play 7.57   The club plays only techno.
  son play 7.11   His sons play.
  boy play 6.98   Boys play with cars.
  group play 6.98   Group F will play in Japan.
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