91.   A control group of aged rats not eating blueberry extract had no improvement.

92.   A control group of patients had no relatives with the condition.

93.   A control group consisting of fertile men was given the same regimens.

94.   A control group from the same area would be identified and tracked through the public school system.

95.   A control group of rats ate ordinary potatoes.

96.   A control group that trained using unrelated tones showed no improvement.

97.   A control group would receive no prayer at all, from start to finish.

98.   A control group on placebo showed little or no change in weight or body composition.

99.   A control group was given unadulterated clove oil to smell.

100.   A control group watched a patently unfunny nature video, then was tickled.

n. + group >>共 591
opposition 6.73%
rebel 6.18%
consumer 3.64%
guerrilla 3.50%
advocacy 3.21%
right 3.08%
business 3.06%
trade 2.54%
industry 2.40%
aid 2.39%
control 0.76%
control + n. >>共 679
system 10.04%
room 5.68%
center 5.19%
group 5.15%
panel 2.79%
problem 2.34%
freak 2.24%
board 2.20%
measure 2.06%
treaty 1.75%
每页显示:    共 261