91.   In Jakarta on Friday, provincial Governor Aspar Aspin blamed the Madurese for causing the unrest with misbehavior and a bad attitude.

92.   There was no offense and sloppy defense, plus bad attitudes and TV ratings.

93.   This epidemic of selfishness and bad attitude is not confined to the roads.

a. + attitude >>共 1148
new 5.27%
positive 4.59%
different 3.07%
public 2.50%
same 2.37%
changing 2.26%
bad 2.04%
negative 1.78%
right 1.62%
social 1.25%
bad + n. >>共 658
weather 8.82%
loan 5.63%
thing 3.68%
guy 3.57%
luck 3.23%
day 2.71%
time 2.34%
idea 2.01%
one 1.39%
publicity 1.24%
attitude 0.38%
每页显示:    共 92