1.   A negative attitude will get you nowhere.

2.   A small racist joke or ill considered sentence only serves to reinforce negative attitudes.

3.   Deaf people also imagined hearing people to hold more negative attitudes than they actually did.

4.   Her work suffered and her supervisor noticed an unusually negative attitude towards colleagues and customers alike.

5.   His negative attitude towards work was affecting his colleagues.

6.   Increasingly, negative attitudes are towards older, frailer people, who are now the main victims of ageism.

7.   Many of the female students had been academic failures at school and had negative attitudes to teachers.

8.   Many teenagers have a very negative attitude towards cooking.

9.   Often, negative attitudes are based on misinformation.

10.   Our society is full of negative attitudes towards ageing and old people.

a. + attitude >>共 1148
new 5.27%
positive 4.59%
different 3.07%
public 2.50%
same 2.37%
changing 2.26%
bad 2.04%
negative 1.78%
right 1.62%
social 1.25%
negative + n. >>共 671
effect 6.14%
impact 6.12%
territory 3.75%
publicity 3.65%
reaction 2.99%
ad 2.76%
news 2.12%
image 2.07%
growth 1.94%
comment 1.73%
attitude 1.31%
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