1.   Another time, in college, I went to Big Bear supermarket naked, except for a yellow raincoat.

2.   It is where kids in yellow raincoats and red boots meet a crossing guard to cross to go to school.

3.   Separating the two groups was a line of Girl Scouts from Maryland, dressed in yellow raincoats.

4.   The housekeeper told police that after hearing gunshots, she saw two men in yellow raincoats running out the door.

a. + raincoat >>共 63
black 8.85%
plastic 7.96%
blue 5.31%
tan 4.42%
light 3.54%
beige 3.54%
gray 3.54%
yellow 3.54%
long 2.65%
full-length 2.65%
yellow + n. >>共 1057
card 17.40%
jersey 4.51%
flag 3.34%
ribbon 2.32%
flower 2.17%
line 1.73%
light 1.65%
police 1.59%
one 1.13%
shirt 1.07%
raincoat 0.08%
每页显示:    共 4