1.   The yellow one muttered a remark to her companion, who laughed and sucked on a cigarette.

2.   It appeared to be two bundles or boxes--one yellow and one red.

3.   Red capitula held against the sky appear black to the colour-blind bats, while yellow ones are those displayed against the foliage.

4.   The table looked exquisite, and there was even a rose -- a yellow one -- lying across her plate.

5.   The yellow ones were thrown.

6.   You want the yellow ones?

7.   I like the yellow ones better.

8.   I like the yellow ones.

9.   You like the yellow ones as well.

a. + one >>共 1064
only 8.66%
new 6.21%
loved 4.78%
first 2.82%
old 2.62%
good 2.51%
last 2.09%
big 1.77%
next 1.10%
second 1.09%
yellow 0.14%
yellow + n. >>共 1057
card 17.40%
jersey 4.51%
flag 3.34%
ribbon 2.32%
flower 2.17%
line 1.73%
light 1.65%
police 1.59%
one 1.13%
shirt 1.07%
每页显示:    共 54