1.   Later, it was taken up by the communications industry and developed into worldwide markets.

2.   And having worked in both economic models, he fears the French system will struggle if it is forced to compete in a more aggressive worldwide market.

3.   And the economic conditions that fueled bull markets worldwide remain in effect.

4.   Another positive element is the strong performance of markets worldwide, which has bolstered optimism.

5.   Banks gained on expectations that with the rally in markets worldwide they will again report strong earnings from their brokerage divisions.

6.   Boeing said it traditionally used the value of net orders when calculating its worldwide market share.

7.   A worsening decline in stock prices expanded Thursday to damage every market worldwide on growing concern about financial turmoil and the possibility of a global recession.

8.   Aid to Artisans Inc. helps link artisans in developing countries with worldwide markets.

9.   Brazil is the third-largest market worldwide for Coca-Cola after the United States and Mexico.

10.   But it would also have put cheap Macs on millions of desktops and assured a vast worldwide market for the machines.

a. + market >>共 657
financial 10.17%
emerging 3.43%
asian 3.19%
broader 2.97%
new 2.81%
free 2.60%
european 2.57%
international 2.33%
japanese 2.21%
local 2.04%
worldwide 0.24%
worldwide + n. >>共 1192
ban 2.60%
network 2.32%
market 2.14%
demand 2.14%
attention 1.85%
sale 1.77%
computer 1.45%
operation 1.37%
condemnation 1.35%
campaign 1.15%
每页显示:    共 105