1.   A woman might appreciate a scalp massager.

2.   Do women alone appreciate luxury accessories?

3.   One plus is that colors are something all women can appreciate.

4.   The woman appreciated somebody with a good eye.

5.   There were lots of silly girl looks in this collection, but also lots that real women will appreciate.

6.   While many women appreciate the convenience and privacy of the finished product,

7.   Women appreciate how pantyhose camouflage their imperfections and smooth their bulges, but they loathe the tight, confining feel and never-ending expense.

8.   Women may have appreciated the virtues of white and gold for millennia, but for this brief fashion moment, they passed it by.

9.   Women usually appreciate flattery, but these Viking beauties are more likely to be insulted by fiery cavaliers.

n. + appreciate >>共 338
people 8.55%
fan 5.59%
currency 2.63%
player 2.52%
dollar 2.41%
child 1.97%
reader 1.32%
yen 1.21%
voter 1.21%
visitor 1.10%
woman 0.99%
woman + v. >>共 741
be 16.10%
have 5.69%
say 3.10%
wear 1.55%
die 1.47%
take 1.44%
go 1.18%
come 1.15%
do 1.12%
make 1.11%
appreciate 0.03%
每页显示:    共 9