people appreciate 5.13   People appreciate it.
  fan appreciate 3.36   The fans appreciate that.
  currency appreciate 1.58   The currency has also appreciated against the Australian dollar.
  player appreciate 1.51   The players appreciate that.
  dollar appreciate 1.45   The dollar also appreciated.
  child appreciate 1.18   Every child would appreciate it.
  reader appreciate 0.79   Readers appreciated the recommendations.
  voter appreciate 0.72   I think the voters appreciate that.
  yen appreciate 0.72   Some players speculated the yen might appreciate temporarily.
  parent appreciate 0.66   Parents appreciate genuine interest, concern and lavish thanks.
  stock appreciate 0.66   The more the stock has appreciated, the more valuable this option can be.
  visitor appreciate 0.66   The visitors appreciated this kind of talk.
  consumer appreciate 0.59   It is not as if consumers do not appreciate shopping online.
  customer appreciate 0.59   Both Ransom and Mahn say customers genuinely appreciate their work.
  investor appreciate 0.59   Investors appreciate the actions, Strauss said.
  peso appreciate 0.59   The Philippine peso has been appreciating against the dollar in recent weeks.
  woman appreciate 0.59   A woman might appreciate a scalp massager.
  audience appreciate 0.53   The audience clearly appreciated this long-form work.
  franc appreciate 0.53   The franc appreciated against many currencies last year.
  price appreciate 0.53   There is reason to believe its price will appreciate, collectors say.
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