1.   For six weeks after our arrival it rained almost continually and the wind howled melancholy dirges around our chimneys and doors.

2.   It was very dark, and the wind howled horribly around her, but Dorothy found she was riding quite easily.

3.   She felt an icy wind howl over her, a graveyard stench enter her throat, a chill finger touch her cheek.

4.   Strong winds howled across the region.

5.   The wind howled round the house all night.

6.   The wind howled through the trees.

7.   The wind howled, and my feet were cold.

8.   The wind howls through the trees, the wind chill temperature must be low, and I have no clothes on.

9.   The wind still howled through the chimney pots and rattled through the cracks of the window frames.

n. + howl >>共 98
wind 23.51%
dog 8.37%
audience 5.58%
fan 5.18%
crowd 3.98%
siren 2.79%
child 2.39%
critic 1.99%
wolf 1.99%
executive 1.20%
wind + v. >>共 592
be 14.87%
blow 11.65%
pick_up 1.99%
make 1.99%
whip 1.95%
shift 1.83%
cause 1.66%
continue 1.52%
begin 1.46%
bring 1.38%
howl 1.15%
每页显示:    共 59