1.   A bitter wind whips across the seared fields and bristly pastures behind the produce stand.

2.   A harsh wind was whipping litter and grit off the street and the occasional pink or blue leaflet.

3.   Gregson felt the wind whipping around him, felt the chill grow more intense.

4.   The wind whipped droplets of condensation into his face, where they mingled with his tears.

5.   A strong wind whips up clouds of red dust from the dry plains.

6.   The wind whipped her hair into her eyes.

7.   A terrible wind whipped our faces.

8.   Wind whipped through her hair.

9.   The streets were black, the cobbles rough beneath their carpet of ice and a bitter, cruel wind whipped the snow into sudden flurries.

10.   The night wind whipped his grey cropped hair, bit at his ears and cheeks and clawed at the grey robe wrapped round his body.

n. + whip >>共 187
wind 24.88%
fold 3.48%
cream 2.49%
gust 2.24%
head 1.99%
storm 1.49%
rider 1.24%
flag 1.24%
breeze 1.00%
spread 1.00%
wind + v. >>共 592
be 14.87%
blow 11.65%
pick_up 1.99%
make 1.99%
whip 1.95%
shift 1.83%
cause 1.66%
continue 1.52%
begin 1.46%
bring 1.38%
每页显示:    共 99