1.   And how many trophies did the Bruins win before last year?

2.   Before fighters would win a cow or a bag of rice.

3.   Before it won a Pulitzer Prize.

4.   All have won it before, at least once, so there will be no I-wanna-thank-Mom blush.

5.   Boston politics are so volatile, aficionados point out, that long-shot underdogs have won before.

6.   But as Robinson and USC fans learned the past few years, it is not enough simply to bring in a name coach who has won before.

7.   But it is becoming clearer every day how many regulatory advantages and other favors Enron did win before its extreme brand of cowboy capitalism led to its demise.

8.   But Mickelson will enter Sunday with the confidence of someone who is playing well in a tournament that he has won before.

9.   By coincidence, Flores praised Kotite for the job he did at Philadelphia last year, when the Eagles won seven of nine before losing their last seven.

10.   Certainly not last week against Kansas City, not Sunday against Miami, and seldom in the four games they won before those two losses.

v. + before >>共 965
appear 6.08%
go 4.33%
testify 3.59%
do 2.16%
say 1.93%
expect 1.42%
stand 1.42%
be 1.40%
speak 1.34%
take 1.31%
win 0.17%
win + p. >>共 88
in 35.34%
at 12.44%
on 11.72%
by 9.43%
with 8.60%
over 3.89%
without 3.14%
against 1.86%
despite 1.75%
from 1.64%
before 0.59%
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