win in 226.47   Aoki won in Hawaii.
  win at 79.72   I never win at cards.
  win on 75.12   But he won on taxes.
  win by 60.43   We should have won by now!
  win with 55.10   They won with ease.
  win over 24.95   But practicality won over sentiment.
  win without 20.14   Dan can win without John.
  win against 11.92   Truman won against Dewey.
  win despite 11.19   Both manage to win despite long odds.
  win from 10.53   I won it from a Democrat.
  win as 9.41   They won as a team.
  win after 6.45   After Estonia won its independence.
  win because_of 4.61   They won because of it.
  win before 3.75   Before it won a Pulitzer Prize.
  win through 3.75   They are winning through their defense.
  win under 3.75   We won it under the rules.
  win since 3.62   He has not won since May.
  win during 2.57   Nobody wins during the week.
  win of 2.50   Wins of all kinds.
  win than 2.17   Nobody was more bent on winning than Harris.
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