1.   Possibilities for wheelchair users wanting to enjoy more challenging routes do exist.

2.   Ramps are needed at exits and entrances for wheelchair users.

3.   There are special facilities for wheelchair users and infirm guests.

4.   There is easy access for wheelchair users.

5.   Trains operating on the TransPennine route have space for a wheelchair user, and specially designed toilet facilities.

6.   The Capitol building has ramps and elevators so that wheelchair users can get around.

7.   Many new trains have space for wheelchair users.

n. + user >>共 433
computer 30.86%
drug 17.19%
internet 2.96%
business 2.83%
road 2.68%
wheelchair 1.64%
power 1.48%
heroin 1.39%
phone 1.35%
novice 1.20%
wheelchair + n. >>共 110
user 14.65%
ramp 9.58%
athlete 8.45%
access 7.32%
division 4.23%
racer 4.23%
lift 3.94%
race 2.25%
basketball 1.97%
accessibility 1.69%
每页显示:    共 52