wheelchair user 3.42   There is easy access for wheelchair users.
  wheelchair ramp 2.24   A wheelchair ramp.
  wheelchair athlete 1.97   Wheelchair athletes have been known to parasail and hang glide too.
  wheelchair access 1.71   There are fire exits to consider, wheelchair access.
  wheelchair division 0.99   Ramiro Bermudez won the wheelchair division.
  wheelchair racer 0.99   Perhaps the competitiors who suffered most were the wheelchair racers.
  wheelchair lift 0.92   And some ramps or wheelchair lifts were out of order.
  wheelchair race 0.53   The wheelchair race.
  wheelchair basketball 0.46   But that was before wheelchair basketball.
  wheelchair accessibility 0.39   Wheelchair accessibility on cruise ships is a complex issue.
  wheelchair competition 0.26   The meet featured events in open, masters and wheelchair competition, as well as in the high school division.
  wheelchair marathoner 0.26   Thai wheelchair marathoner first to finish marathon.
  wheelchair seat 0.26   Plus my aunt had season tickets there and there were wheelchair seats available.
  wheelchair tennis 0.26   So he turned to wheelchair tennis, like he had with basketball.
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