1.   As the water evaporates, the coalescing agents cause the acrylic dispersion to fuse and form the surface coating.

2.   As water evaporates from the plaster, the surface heats up.

3.   At first the water evaporated as soon as it left the faucet, turning into red steam when it hit your body.

4.   During dry periods the water evaporates, and the gypsum sinks to the lake bottom.

5.   Logic suggests that if the air is warmer, more water evaporates.

6.   Sea salt crystallizes from tidal pools when the water evaporates.

7.   The water slowly evaporates as it is moved through the system, and the salt solution becomes ever more concentrated.

8.   When the liquid is heated, the water evaporates, leaving the salts behind.

9.   As the water evaporates, a crust of salt is left on the surface of the soil.

10.   Trees bring water up from the ground, allowing water to evaporate into the atmosphere.

n. + evaporate >>共 311
water 9.46%
liquid 7.36%
lead 2.85%
hope 2.10%
profit 1.80%
moisture 1.65%
saving 1.50%
support 1.50%
money 1.35%
job 1.20%
water + v. >>共 718
be 24.80%
come 2.96%
flow 2.74%
run 2.66%
recede 2.46%
rise 2.04%
have 1.62%
begin 1.36%
seep 1.36%
get 1.13%
evaporate 1.06%
每页显示:    共 63