1.   Clean and wash beans.

2.   Drain and wash the beans.

3.   Put washed beans directly into a cooking pot.

4.   Thoroughly wash beans and pick through for rocks and other debris.

5.   Wash the beans and drain them.

6.   Wash beans and soak overnight in enough water to cover.

7.   Wash beans well to remove dirt and any stones.

8.   Wash the beans, cut off the ends and remove any strings.

9.   Wash beans and soak overnight.

10.   Wash beans and sort through to remove any foreign particles and broken beans.

v. + bean >>共 201
spill 7.83%
drain 4.87%
add 4.73%
use 3.25%
cover 3.25%
eat 3.10%
soak 2.81%
cook 2.66%
place 2.36%
sell 2.22%
wash 1.77%
wash + n. >>共 430
hand 21.28%
dish 8.39%
clothes 7.37%
car 6.88%
hair 4.20%
face 2.54%
window 2.29%
body 1.56%
blood 1.22%
wall 1.12%
bean 0.59%
每页显示:    共 12