1.   The O.J. Simpson trial is one reflection of how domestic violence haunts American society.

2.   Religious violence has haunted many parts of Pakistan as Sunni and Shiite Muslims battle over differences in their interpretations of Islam.

3.   Violence haunts the public schools of this predominantly black U.S. territory.

4.   Violence haunts the sinuous waterways that snake through the Niger River delta.

5.   Violence haunts the sinuous waterways that snake through the Niger River delta, and violence lurks in its lush mangrove swamps.

n. + haunt >>共 245
memory 5.43%
ghost 4.78%
question 3.48%
past 2.83%
image 2.39%
fear 1.96%
nightmare 1.74%
problem 1.74%
experience 1.52%
crime 1.30%
violence 1.09%
violence + v. >>共 512
be 20.57%
erupt 7.32%
continue 6.87%
break_out 3.82%
come 2.70%
flare 2.61%
escalate 2.36%
begin 2.16%
mar 1.90%
spread 1.54%
haunt 0.08%
每页显示:    共 5