1.   By using automatic equipment that can serve several installations with a different programme for each if necessary.

2.   Bradshaw said using federal equipment to send out the faxes might have been illegal, though he was not certain.

3.   If you are uncomfortable using different equipment, it will have an effect on your game.

4.   With air traffic controllers still using antiquated equipment and procedures, flights are frequently delayed and hundreds are cancelled solely because of inadequate facilities, he added.

5.   From there, it was projected using equipment made by Texas Instruments.

6.   The crew was working to fix it, using equipment recently delivered by the NASA space shuttle Atlantis.

7.   Yet the FDA insists the practice is not much riskier than using standard medical equipment.

a. + equipment >>共 649
military 6.95%
new 6.11%
medical 5.38%
heavy 4.32%
electronic 3.15%
electrical 2.46%
standard 1.95%
sophisticated 1.68%
special 1.22%
modern 1.19%
using 0.07%
using + n. >>共 760
force 2.68%
money 2.01%
computer 1.94%
tong 1.86%
drug 1.71%
technology 1.49%
dog 0.82%
satellite 0.75%
cocaine 0.75%
sampling 0.75%
equipment 0.52%
每页显示:    共 7