using force 2.37   Deutch did not mention using force to stop it.
  using money 1.78   But using public money for private schooling may not pass.
  using computer 1.71   A large part of the work we do involves using computers.
  using tong 1.65   Using tongs, flip the crust over.
  using drug 1.51   She denied ever using drugs.
  using technology 1.32   Reaching global market using Internet technology, NEW STRAITS TIMES-
  using dog 0.72   ...using dogs to locate people trapped underneath collapsed buildings.
  using cocaine 0.66   Martin denied ever using cocaine, and no criminal charges were filed against him.
  using method 0.66   Third, some are comfortable using quantitative methods while others are not.
  using sampling 0.66   The House voted in October to prevent the federal government from using sampling.
  using satellite 0.66   Most ships navigate using satellite technology now.
  using information 0.59   -- They evaluate and monitor the companies using information gleaned from Value Line and daily papers.
  using fund 0.53   And his wife was said to strongly oppose his using personal funds to pay the fine.
  using government 0.53   The staffer said using government e-mail was a mistake.
  using water 0.53   Using cold water is important.
  using datum 0.46   She said the survey is put together using data from disk vendors and BBSs.
  using e-mail 0.46   Using e-mail is not the easiest way to start a relationship.
  using equipment 0.46   From there, it was projected using equipment made by Texas Instruments.
  using police 0.46   Mead also maintained that using police will cost more.
  using technique 0.46   To do this using traditional techniques will become impossible as the Internet grows.
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