1.   Urban nightmare of the past Small towns were overrun, new towns created.

2.   Do expect a grimly realistic urban nightmare.

3.   Set against this urban nightmare are various traditional cultures, whose graceful balance and timeless rituals are rooted in the rhythms of the land.

4.   The bloodletting symbol of our urban nightmare.

5.   The court file, already in its third thick volume, explains her urban nightmare in detail.

6.   The malicious spreader of AIDS is a contemporary urban nightmare, more mythic than real.

7.   To Shaw, who lives in rural Idaho, the evacuation was an urban nightmare.

8.   Surely this is the stuff of urban nightmares.

a. + nightmare >>共 318
logistical 9.32%
worst 8.55%
recurring 5.11%
bureaucratic 3.55%
administrative 2.11%
potential 2.00%
national 1.78%
long 1.55%
recurrent 1.33%
american 1.33%
urban 0.89%
urban + n. >>共 1273
area 15.82%
center 3.91%
life 2.37%
development 2.32%
school 1.57%
planner 1.45%
neighborhood 1.32%
legend 1.29%
dweller 1.03%
growth 1.00%
nightmare 0.13%
每页显示:    共 8