logistical nightmare 5.53   It is a logistical nightmare.
  worst nightmare 5.07   Her worst nightmare?
  recurring nightmare 3.03   Dave Hickey has a recurring nightmare.
  bureaucratic nightmare 2.11   Getting there however, is going to be a bureaucratic nightmare.
  administrative nightmare 1.25   In reality it would be an administrative nightmare.
  potential nightmare 1.18   This is a potential nightmare.
  national nightmare 1.05   The long national nightmare was short.
  long nightmare 0.92   Our long nightmare is over.
  american nightmare 0.79   It is an American nightmare.
  recurrent nightmare 0.79   Had recurrent nightmares about being naked in public.
  environmental nightmare 0.72   In short, a catalogue of environmental nightmares.
  political nightmare 0.72   We were used as pawns in some political nightmare.
  ultimate nightmare 0.72   It is the ultimate nightmare.
  living nightmare 0.66   A proud new father and a living nightmare for defences.
  personal nightmare 0.59   His personal nightmare began when he was arrested for murder.
  real nightmare 0.59   Real nightmare?
  such nightmare 0.53   That, of course, is what makes the World Trade Center attack such a nightmare.
  urban nightmare 0.53   Surely this is the stuff of urban nightmares.
  daily nightmare 0.46   It was a daily nightmare.
  economic nightmare 0.46   The end of the economic nightmare is still nowhere in sight.
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