1.   The Israeli press is rife with quotes from unidentified high-level associates of Mordechai saying they cannot persuade him to throw in the towel.

2.   The Los Angeles Times has quoted an unidentified associate of hers as saying she took messages back and forth between Hubbell and Mrs. Clinton.

3.   HINA said the youth and two other unidentified associates were detained in connection with suspected murder and robbery.

4.   Mujahir and another unidentified associate researched dirty bombs in Lahore, Pakistan, the official said.

5.   The officers returned fire, killing Fayad and an unidentified associate, the sources said.

a. + associate >>共 184
close 36.51%
former 13.76%
longtime 5.58%
sales 4.23%
political 4.14%
senior 3.24%
closest 2.52%
top 2.52%
alleged 1.80%
long-time 0.90%
unidentified 0.45%
unidentified + n. >>共 564
gunman 12.97%
source 10.64%
man 10.46%
assailant 5.15%
official 4.38%
attacker 2.84%
woman 2.43%
person 2.17%
body 2.03%
people 1.95%
associate 0.10%
每页显示:    共 5