close associate 26.73   They are close associates.
  former associate 10.07   Former associates have high praise for Carns.
  longtime associate 4.08   Ivankovic has been a longtime associate of Blazevic.
  sales associate 3.09   Ask sales associates.
  political associate 3.03   The two men were more than political associates.
  senior associate 2.37   A senior associate.
  closest associate 1.84   Zugic was one of Djukanovic closest associates.
  top associate 1.84   Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama intends to step down, a top political associate said Friday.
  alleged associate 1.32   Canada also has one other alleged associate of Ressam in custody.
  long-time associate 0.66   It sank in for long-time associates.
  family associate 0.59   Townsend was devastated by his death, the family associate says.
  old associate 0.53   But there were plenty of old associates on hand.
  known associate 0.39   Dick Harter was a known associate of the Bad Boys in Detroit.
  new associate 0.39   Another new associate is real estate and business broker Stephen Brodsky of Boca Raton.
  young associate 0.39   Among the young associates at the law firm, he was unmistakably the most pushing.
  junior associate 0.33   It has taken me two years to get my junior associates to call me by my first name.
  key associate 0.33   But Mullah Omar and his key associates have so far eluded all attempts to capture them.
  suspected associate 0.33   Police said the swoop targetted suspected associates of these two men, Epifanio Pericolo and Denis Labadie.
  unidentified associate 0.33   The officers returned fire, killing Fayad and an unidentified associate, the sources said.
  corrupt associate 0.26   Others say corrupt associates planned the assassination.
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