1.   A tribunal must make a compensatory award if it has made a basic award.

2.   When the tribunal is making its decision, the prosecuting officials should not be present.

3.   And in issuing its verdict on Tuesday, the tribunal made it clear that it had refused to entertain the entrapment charge.

4.   As of Monday afternoon the electoral tribunal had made no further declarations concerning allegations of fraud in early election returns.

5.   But can such a tribunal really make a difference?

6.   But for one defiant defendant, who has refused to accept legal representation that would ordinarily review the charges, the tribunal made an exception.

7.   For appeals, the tribunal could make use of an appeals panel in The Hague, which hears cases from the Balkans and Rwanda.

8.   It is not clear how much progress the tribunal has made in its investigation of Milosevic.

9.   The tribunal made the request in May after the indictment of five men, including Milosevic, for atrocities allegedly committed by Serbian forces in Kosovo.

n. + make >>共 1472
company 3.80%
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official 1.37%
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police 0.87%
player 0.78%
law 0.72%
rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
tribunal 0.03%
tribunal + v. >>共 348
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have 8.32%
say 5.58%
indict 4.29%
issue 3.88%
rule 2.27%
impose 1.65%
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