tribunal be 12.24   A tribunal is highly unlikely.
  tribunal have 10.60   The tribunal has no jury trials.
  tribunal say 7.11   Regardless, the tribunal says it has made progress.
  tribunal indict 5.46   The tribunal has not indicted him.
  tribunal issue 4.94   Tribunal issues first sentence in Yugoslavia war crimes cases.
  tribunal rule 2.90   The tribunal ruled in her favour.
  tribunal impose 2.11   The tribunal can impose life imprisonment.
  tribunal charge 1.97   The tribunal has charged Nikolic with murder and torture.
  tribunal try 1.97   The tribunal cannot try suspects in absentia.
  tribunal hold 1.91   The military tribunal is holding its sessions in secret.
  tribunal decide 1.71   The tribunal decided that Mr Matthews had been unfairly dismissed.
  tribunal begin 1.65   The tribunal began its first trial last month.
  tribunal convict 1.58   So far, the tribunal has convicted eight people and acquitted one.
  tribunal find 1.51   A military tribunal found Alpirez innocent.
  tribunal hear 1.51   A tribunal heard yesterday.
  tribunal order 1.51   Tribunal orders suspect to enter new plea.
  tribunal open 1.45   Cassese said that the tribunal would open an office in Belgrade soon.
  tribunal make 1.38   The tribunal has made sure of that.
  tribunal investigate 1.32   The current U.N. tribunals are investigating crimes only in the Balkans and in Rwanda.
  tribunal refuse 1.32   The tribunal refused comment.
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