1.   In particular the USA and other CFE treaty signatories objected to the Soviet transfer of tanks and other forces east of the Ural Mountains.

2.   If Teheran refuses to allow inspectors in, Iran would be subject to sanctions by every treaty signatory.

3.   Other treaty signatories have sidestepped appeals to review the pact.

4.   American officials say they believe they already have a majority of treaty signatories committed to vote for indefinite extension.

5.   Hoffmann said that none of these nations, or treaty signatories, would be able to explode bombs undetected.

6.   Israel, not a treaty signatory, is known to possess scores of nuclear warheads.

7.   Russia should address its concerns to a committee of the treaty signatories in Vienna, Kinkel said.

8.   They also call for renegotiating two treaty articles to prevent the United States from having to disclose defense secrets to other treaty signatories.

n. + signatory >>共 9
treaty 44.44%
accord 11.11%
convention 11.11%
cheque 5.56%
contract 5.56%
country 5.56%
government 5.56%
non-npt 5.56%
statement 5.56%
treaty + n. >>共 209
obligation 7.87%
talk 5.69%
negotiation 4.96%
provision 3.64%
text 3.35%
supporter 2.62%
violation 2.48%
commitment 2.04%
right 1.90%
process 1.90%
signatory 1.17%
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