1.   In the cafe just off the street is another chair, one of translucent green fiberglass that appears to float above the floor.

2.   The addition will be clad in translucent fiberglass panels.

3.   The elemental quality of the wood and stone is contradicted by the aqua-colored columns and the translucent fiberglass roof, which tints the interior blue-green.

4.   The ony problem with the above is that anything you cover the roof with will cut out a lot of light coming through the translucent fiberglass panels.

a. + fiberglass >>共 71
corrugated 4.17%
translucent 4.17%
molded 4.17%
new 3.13%
unfaced 3.13%
unbacked 3.13%
exposed 2.08%
small 2.08%
black 2.08%
woven 2.08%
translucent + n. >>共 133
glass 6.36%
skin 4.55%
plastic 3.18%
resin 3.18%
wall 3.18%
color 2.27%
dress 2.27%
fiberglass 1.82%
quality 1.82%
layer 1.36%
每页显示:    共 4