translucent glass 0.92   The translucent glass and the blue palette suggest a grotto.
  translucent skin 0.66   Blue veins showed through her translucent skin.
  translucent plastic 0.46   Actually, the paper is more like a translucent light plastic.
  translucent resin 0.46   Above the bar, rows of wine bottles float behind a translucent white resin wall.
  translucent wall 0.46   The baths are set off by shoji-style translucent walls.
  translucent color 0.33   I recommend translucent colors.
  translucent dress 0.33   Later, Marianne looked virginal in a translucent dress.
  translucent fiberglass 0.26   The addition will be clad in translucent fiberglass panels.
  translucent quality 0.26   Spotlights give a translucent quality to his face and the hands crossed over the body.
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