1.   One technique, called leukocyte reduction, filters out white blood cells that can cause fevers or more serious problems in some transfusion recipients.

2.   You could pass HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, to an unwitting transfusion recipient.

3.   Of the donor and five surviving transfusion recipients, three have falling levels of helper T cells, a hallmark of AIDS damage.

4.   Though it produces lung damage that is generally reversible, TRALI is a leading cause of death for transfusion recipients.

5.   Other transfusion recipients may also be infected with the deadly AIDS virus.

n. + recipient >>共 129
welfare 72.10%
transplant 3.85%
aid 2.47%
organ 1.79%
award 1.24%
grant 1.17%
loan 1.10%
heart 1.03%
gift 0.69%
scholarship 0.62%
transfusion 0.34%
transfusion + n. >>共 22
recipient 14.71%
centre 8.82%
need 8.82%
bag 5.88%
equipment 5.88%
expert 5.88%
therapy 5.88%
attempt 2.94%
blood 2.94%
center 2.94%
每页显示:    共 5