1.   Albert Gore Sr. was a politician who transcended such concerns.

2.   But in times of crisis, this country has often transcended political concerns because of politicians who truly followed the dictates of conscience.

3.   For many the aging process can trigger a spiritual and emotional journey that transcends the concern for outward appearances.

4.   He sees such acts as a technique for manipulating a community into commitment to causes that transcend material concerns like self-preservation.

5.   What are we saying when we say that the integrity of works of art transcends humanitarian concerns?

v. + concern >>共 357
express 28.84%
raise 12.57%
voice 5.84%
have 4.55%
cite 3.40%
address 3.24%
ease 3.21%
cause 2.32%
allay 1.46%
dismiss 1.36%
transcend 0.03%
transcend + n. >>共 305
boundary 5.07%
politics 5.07%
sport 4.44%
border 2.54%
time 2.22%
race 2.06%
difference 1.90%
game 1.58%
division 1.27%
loyalty 1.11%
concern 0.79%
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