express concern 344.37   He expressed grave concern at American attitudes.
  raise concern 150.03   And that raises profound concerns.
  voice concern 69.78   But he also voiced concern.
  have concern 54.38   Both have concerns.
  cite concern 40.62   It cited budget concerns.
  address concern 38.71   Can you address these concerns?
  ease concern 38.38   And that has helped ease concerns somewhat.
  cause concern 27.65   But the phenomenon has also caused concern.
  allay concern 17.38   AOL is working to allay such concerns.
  dismiss concern 16.19   Doll dismisses such concerns.
  reflect concern 16.00   Some celebrations reflect deeper concerns.
  spark concern 15.60   The move sparked concern other traders could fail.
  share concern 15.47   Do you share that concern?
  prompt concern 14.55   That prompted concern about their fate.
  heighten concern 11.72   Rising interest rates heightened that concern today.
  show concern 10.01   The Clippers showed great concern.
  discuss concern 9.61   Fee declined to discuss liability concerns.
  fuel concern 9.48   That can only fuel concern in Japan as well.
  echo concern 7.50   Putin echoed the concern.
  understand concern 6.32   I understood his concerns.
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