1.   Alexander, a heavy-set man in his mid-thirties with a thick beard, laughed.

2.   His face was covered by a thick black beard with tiny flecks of gray in it.

3.   Bagarayev, a burly man in camouflage with a thick black beard, traveled up to the border post to meet the Russians.

4.   But also in the front rank was a man with a thick red beard, in camouflage uniform.

5.   He has a thick black beard.

6.   He is slightly built, with a thick black beard and serious black eyes.

7.   His mountain-man look at the time of arrest, a thick beard and stringy long hair, reinforced the view.

8.   However, the last time I saw that teacher, just a couple of years ago, she had a thick beard and a moustache.

9.   In Kabul, men no longer under Taliban rule are singing and dancing and taking straight razors to their thick dark beards after five repressive years of whiskers.

10.   Stewart looks the part of a grandfatherly Old West hero, with a full head of white hair and a thick white beard.

a. + beard >>共 179
white 10.21%
long 8.53%
gray 5.81%
black 4.78%
full 3.62%
scraggly 3.23%
bushy 3.23%
thick 3.23%
trimmed 2.58%
red 2.20%
thick + n. >>共 914
smoke 8.40%
fog 5.35%
cloud 4.34%
layer 3.27%
glass 2.30%
haze 1.89%
hair 1.89%
forest 1.78%
skin 1.62%
accent 1.58%
beard 0.55%
每页显示:    共 25