white beard 5.20   It had a long white beard.
  long beard 4.34   He whacked off his long beard.
  gray beard 2.96   Somehow, a gray beard does.
  black beard 2.44   He has a thick black beard.
  full beard 1.84   Men must wear full beards.
  bushy beard 1.65   Another has a bushy beard flecked with gray.
  scraggly beard 1.65   He scratched his scraggly gray beard.
  thick beard 1.65   He has a thick black beard.
  trimmed beard 1.32   Gary has a tightly trimmed black beard.
  red beard 1.12   The red beard is sprinkled with flecks of gray.
  flowing beard 1.05   His face is framed by long white hair and a flowing beard.
  salt-and-pepper beard 1.05   He has grown a salt-and-pepper beard.
  scruffy beard 0.92   Scruffy reddish beard.
  graying beard 0.86   Sometimes, as the lawyers worked, he seemed to be smiling under his graying beard.
  short beard 0.86   Both were wearing short beards they grew in custody.
  dark beard 0.72   He was a small stubby man with glasses and a trimmed dark beard.
  fake beard 0.72   Valentine donned a fake beard.
  heavy beard 0.72   It could be the heavy beard.
  wispy beard 0.66   Sad stroked his wispy gray beard thoughtfully.
  little beard 0.59   ...a pointy little beard.
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