1.   Campbell interprets those provisions to mean that if Congress declares war, it is then up to the president to conduct that war.

2.   Is it then up to the laity to decide what to accept and what to reject?

3.   It is then up to Real Estate Commissioner Jerry Holt and his staff to decide what action to take, if any.

4.   It is then up to psychologists to judge if flashbacks, depression, nightmares, and eating problems are legitimate.

5.   It is then up to the employee to seek out his or her own resources.

6.   It is then up to senior management to take whatever action they feel may be appropriate.

7.   It was then up to the states to find out why.

8.   It was then up to Miodrag Zupanc to make the decision to pull the plug on RTS.

9.   It is then up to the bureau and Justice Department to decide whether the matter warrants further investigation.

10.   It is then up to the owner of the company to listen to your comments or bury them.

d. + up >>共 147
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then + a. >>共 975
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able 2.74%
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