1.   For instance, it can create a problem if the team moves.

2.   Team members move from job to job as the need arises.

3.   And we will, until Fox proves us wrong or the team moves back to Brooklyn, whichever comes first.

4.   Another deal to have the team move from the Sports Arena to the Long Beach Convention Center next season is almost complete, sources said.

5.   Adams would have to pay Houston, Harris County and Astrodome USA a tidy sum if his team moves early.

6.   But would the team move?

7.   First, former cheerleader George W. Bush moves into the White House, then the Yale basketball team moves into first place in the Ivy League.

8.   First, the moves the teams have made this winter.

9.   Millions are spent every year in the NFL on computers and videotape and analysis ad nauseum of every move a team makes.

10.   NBA travel was harsh compared to the luxurious style teams move around in today.

n. + move >>共 926
surprise 5.24%
pressure 4.41%
career 3.99%
government 3.84%
roster 3.75%
peace 3.69%
personnel 1.64%
spin 1.58%
market 1.49%
player 1.19%
team 0.69%
team + n. >>共 692
member 7.16%
official 6.29%
owner 4.85%
doctor 4.37%
captain 3.63%
leader 3.42%
manager 2.79%
meeting 2.79%
coach 2.68%
physician 2.57%
move 0.15%
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