1.   After completing one circuit, each bird dives out of the sky into the aquatic target area.

2.   But just into the third there was movement around the target area.

3.   Finally, the plan registered a clear commitment to limit program benefits to the designated target areas.

4.   First, an overwhelming urge to find a Market researcher and kick him or her hard on a soft target area.

5.   For details of schemes in the target areas and general advice on rural out-of-school schemes, ring her.

6.   The approach involves identifying variations in the functioning of target areas and relating those variations to known differences in cortical function.

7.   The kick uses a turning action which momentarily exposes a large target area to the opponent.

8.   The plan was not area specific, thus loans and grants would simply be made available in all eligible first-year target areas.

9.   The target area was the coastal stretch between Alexandria and El Alamein, where resort hotels and luxury housing are developing.

n. + area >>共 873
border 6.89%
self-rule 3.20%
ski 2.93%
wilderness 1.66%
storage 1.64%
problem 1.57%
service 1.37%
tourist 1.33%
growth 1.33%
resort 1.17%
target 0.75%
target + n. >>共 383
audience 10.34%
practice 8.30%
company 6.43%
area 4.84%
market 4.23%
rate 4.18%
list 4.01%
range 3.02%
group 2.97%
level 2.09%
每页显示:    共 87