1.   Every radio station needs a target audience.

2.   It is worth reiterating here the point that the media offer a means of influencing your target audiences.

3.   The key is to analyze the target audience, Half said.

4.   The team rejected traditional Biblical phrasing, figuring they would be unfamiliar or unappealing to the target audience.

5.   The level of communication used should allow the target audience to obtain a full understanding of the whole investigation which has been carried out.

6.   But, as Mr Malik kept reminding him, this was not the target audience of the school.

7.   An important target audience for the new qualifications is people who have not yet decided what occupational area they wish to enter.

8.   The target audience should be identified giving details of level and syllabuses to which the program relates.

n. + audience >>共 284
television 24.46%
target 12.77%
core 3.80%
movie 3.53%
courtroom 2.17%
preview 2.17%
radio 1.90%
niche 1.70%
test 1.43%
theater 1.15%
target + n. >>共 383
audience 10.34%
practice 8.30%
company 6.43%
area 4.84%
market 4.23%
rate 4.18%
list 4.01%
range 3.02%
group 2.97%
level 2.09%
每页显示:    共 187