1.   Dinges says there are two challenges to making a computer that can conduct humanlike talk therapy.

2.   For good medical reasons, he says, antidepressants should be taken under supervision and preferably in combination with talk therapy.

3.   He, too, found that so-called talk therapy caused as much change in brain function as did drug therapy.

4.   In something like a Russian version of talk therapy, he keeps revisiting the greatest crisis of his past.

5.   In three, the disorder was cured with talk therapy alone, without antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs.

6.   Most people in talk therapy for cocaine addiction, for example, are still using.

7.   Research continues on the interaction between body and mind, and on its practical manipulation with talk therapy and mind-altering drugs.

8.   Supporters of managed care say many practitioners would rather keep people in talk therapy for years than try drug therapy that has increasingly proven effective.

9.   Talk therapy in individual and group settings gives recovering addicts the opportunity to deal with unresolved conflict and find other pursuits that lead to a more balanced life.

10.   Talk therapies have been shown to be effective for depression, especially when combined with antidepressant medication.

n. + therapy >>共 340
gene 23.12%
drug 12.90%
radiation 7.03%
combination 5.33%
hormone 4.89%
cancer 2.64%
massage 2.58%
estrogen 1.59%
rehabilitation 1.32%
music 1.21%
talk 0.71%
talk + n. >>共 216
radio 37.46%
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show 3.48%
process 2.97%
program 2.97%
chairman 2.35%
station 1.74%
came 1.74%
proposal 1.64%
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