1.   But protecting this right takes profound discipline.

2.   But it would take greater discipline than I have to walk out on so much genius.

3.   Cardoso and the Congress must take fiscal discipline seriously.

4.   Doing situps for Sgt. Harry Feyer, a recruit had trouble taking the discipline seriously.

5.   Living stylishly in limited space is possible, but it takes discipline.

6.   Playing good pop takes discipline.

7.   Still, that kind of saving takes discipline.

8.   The entire house, one large room actually, is a clutter-free zone, an aspect of living in a small space that takes some discipline.

9.   They are accused of taking discipline too far, forcing students to stand in pits of cow manure at a dairy adjacent to the school as punishment for misbehavior.

10.   When Kim repeatedly asked if other discipline would be taken, Cathey told him this was the only step and the matter was closed, the attorneys state.

v. + discipline >>共 240
impose 7.29%
maintain 6.56%
enforce 5.63%
have 5.21%
face 3.96%
lack 3.65%
instill 3.13%
show 2.60%
restore 2.60%
require 2.29%
take 1.15%
take + n. >>共 753
place 12.16%
part 5.04%
action 3.23%
advantage 2.92%
time 2.33%
control 1.68%
effect 1.66%
office 1.51%
step 1.35%
lead 1.11%
discipline 0%
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