1.   Both candidates promised to improve education, with Barnes putting more emphasis on a move to restore discipline in the classroom and technical education.

2.   Currency boards have been successful in restoring economic discipline when used at a time of stability.

3.   He said that what he meant was that Kozyrev needed a strong deputy to restore discipline to the Foreign Ministry.

4.   The benefit is being the party that saves Medicare and restores fiscal discipline.

5.   The president suggested that communities across the country, to restore discipline, should crack down on truancy and impose nightly curfews for youngsters.

6.   Army cracks down on soldiers to restore discipline.

7.   Discipline has been restored to some extent since President Mobutu Sese Seko named a new army chief in December.

8.   Experts said that if approved, such a board would aim to restore financial discipline.

9.   He has set establishment of a currency board to restore financial discipline, reducing inflation and restoring confidence in the national currency as goals.

10.   He has set establishment of a currency board to restore financial discipline, reduction of inflation and restoration of confidence in the national currency as goals.

v. + discipline >>共 240
impose 7.29%
maintain 6.56%
enforce 5.63%
have 5.21%
face 3.96%
lack 3.65%
instill 3.13%
show 2.60%
restore 2.60%
require 2.29%
restore + n. >>共 1112
order 11.21%
confidence 8.91%
power 4.66%
calm 3.56%
peace 3.21%
democracy 3.04%
service 2.50%
stability 1.94%
rule 1.60%
electricity 1.23%
discipline 0.30%
每页显示:    共 25