1.   And although the network leaders repeatedly described the action as voluntary, it got a swift kick from the telecommunications legislation passed earlier this year.

2.   As Friend yelled out instructions, students promptly responded with swift kicks and punches.

3.   A swift kick to the chest seems to be the move du jour.

4.   All it took was three swift kicks.

5.   Also on the receiving end of some swift kicks from investors are a bevy of apparel and specialty retailers.

6.   But, unlike a swift kick from your spouse, the pulses are designed to be felt subliminally, not to waken your conscious mind. . . .

7.   Everyone knows a co-worker or two who could use the occasional swift kick to get their work done.

8.   First, you may choose to prevent the doctor from further hitting your leg, by turning the knee jerk into a swift kick in the pants.

9.   Grandmothers used to call that a swift kick in the pants.

10.   Get out the smelling salts for the SuperSonics, who need a swift kick or a quick whiff of something.

a. + kick >>共 338
onside 10.26%
spot 9.23%
high 3.33%
swift 2.91%
finishing 2.39%
blocked 2.14%
winning 2.05%
final 1.88%
overhead 1.71%
big 1.71%
swift + n. >>共 445
action 11.11%
current 3.23%
response 2.39%
kick 2.39%
approval 2.25%
passage 2.18%
justice 1.83%
end 1.69%
resolution 1.62%
change 1.62%
每页显示:    共 34