1.   In January Tamas Beck, then Minister of Trade, suspended all licences and contracts for exports to COMECON countries, including quotas stipulated in inter-state agreements.

2.   The legislation would allow the ATF to target dealers for sting operations and suspend their licences for infractions.

3.   At present, RTD is empowered to suspend PSV licences of errant drivers to a maximum of six months depending on the nature of their offences.

4.   Hazman appealed to the court not to suspend his licence as he used a motorcycle to deliver mail, but it was turned down.

5.   He said he would not hesitate to recommend to the Home Ministry to revoke or suspend the licences of tour agencies if they were involved in such activities.

6.   If they refuse to use the sticker, their licences should be suspended for one year.

7.   They could also, upon the discretion of the Education Minister, have their licences suspended.

8.   Five other firms had their licences suspended for the same offence, it said, but were not closed.

9.   On the same bill, former World Boxing Organisation heavyweight champion Tommy Morrison had his licence suspended just before going into the ring against unknown Arthur Weathers.

10.   The licence was suspended pending a response by the Telecommunications ministry to complaints from three losing bidders who alleged irregularities in the adjudication of the tender.

v. + licence >>共 78
issue 12.18%
revoke 9.37%
have 8.90%
grant 8.20%
obtain 6.56%
lose 4.92%
award 3.28%
renew 3.04%
receive 3.04%
give 3.04%
suspend 2.34%
suspend + n. >>共 997
talk 6.61%
operation 4.93%
flight 3.56%
service 2.15%
player 2.14%
sanction 2.11%
negotiation 1.91%
aid 1.89%
sentence 1.77%
share 1.65%
licence 0.13%
每页显示:    共 10