issue licence 3.42   There is a freeze on issuing crabbing licences.
  revoke licence 2.63   The company has since had its licence revoked.
  have licence 2.50   Do you have a licence for that gun?
  grant licence 2.30   Vietnam has granted a licence to Coca-Cola Indochina Pte.
  obtain licence 1.84   Foreign operators in Germany must obtain a licence.
  lose licence 1.38   They can also lose their licences.
  award licence 0.92   Analysts expect the first licences to be awarded in mid-October.
  give licence 0.86   Police say it gives youngsters licence to break the law.
  receive licence 0.86   R.J. Reynolds is the first US firm to receive a licence in Danang.
  renew licence 0.86   I forgot to renew my licence.
  withdraw licence 0.79   In the USA if the required credits were not obtained, the licence would be withdrawn.
  approve licence 0.72   But councillors agreed to call on expert medical evidence before approving future licences.
  get licence 0.72   I have got a licence for my horse.
  suspend licence 0.66   If they refuse to use the sticker, their licences should be suspended for one year.
  need licence 0.39   Legal users need cyanide licences.
  bank licence 0.33   Banking licences are easily available.
  endorse licence 0.33   His licence was also endorsed with five points.
  seek licence 0.33   Daimler-Benz is seeking licences for two other projects in infrastructure.
  sell licence 0.33   The remaining three licences will be sold over three years.
  acquire licence 0.26   Today, many feel that they have acquired the licence to show hatred.
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