1.   Cultural support measures by member states have a centuries-old tradition behind them.

2.   A large number of gun owners, as polls reveal, support sensible gun control measures.

3.   It will continue to monitor the beef market and has support measures available to stabilize the market, Kiely said.

4.   The Clinton administration is fully mobilized to support measures to control the trade in light weapons, and is preparing some proposals of its own, he said.

5.   The concern over new support measures is continuing, he said.

6.   The nonpartisan coalition supports strong measures to contain total health care costs and is made up of business, labor, consumers and providers.

7.   The need for a second supplementary budget will be discussed in the fall after the impact of past economic support measures is known, he said.

8.   They favor a flat tax and a constitutional amendment banning abortion, and support strict anti-immigration measures and a law making English the official language of the United States.

9.   A Transport Ministry statement said the support measures are in line with those already extended to the French tourism industry.

10.   But the market could not hold onto its gains and prices drifted lower after the heads of the ruling coalition parties decided to postpone talks on market support measures.

n. + measure >>共 887
security 25.25%
austerity 6.96%
safety 5.48%
government 3.14%
ballot 2.99%
reform 2.52%
stimulus 1.96%
conservation 1.87%
tax 1.80%
market 1.64%
support 0.37%
support + n. >>共 522
group 21.06%
service 7.02%
staff 5.13%
payment 3.13%
base 2.99%
network 2.60%
program 1.89%
role 1.67%
team 1.48%
personnel 1.37%
measure 0.77%
每页显示:    共 28