1.   Couples make love as golden sunlight streams through the windowpanes.

2.   Slivers of sunlight stream through half-closed blinds as Doug Williams sits in his office at Grambling State University.

3.   Sunlight streams through the glass roof to bathe potted geranimums, orchids, and begonias, whose petals gleam like jewels.

4.   Sunlight streams through stained glass onto polished mahogany walls, reminders of the Episcopal church this child-care center once was.

5.   The afternoon sunlight streams into her handsomely appointed apartment.

6.   From between tables, palm trees tower high, reaching for the glass roof from which rays of sunlight stream down to blanket customers in a warm glow.

n. + stream >>共 165
revenue 24.23%
income 15.45%
mountain 9.99%
trout 6.13%
air 5.06%
datum 2.53%
earnings 1.86%
moisture 1.73%
feeder 1.20%
ice 1.07%
sunlight 0.80%
sunlight + n. >>共 27
stream 15.38%
deprivation 5.13%
exposure 5.13%
fall 5.13%
filter 5.13%
flicker 5.13%
hour 5.13%
penetration 5.13%
allergy 2.56%
apartment 2.56%
每页显示:    共 6