1.   Do you think his personality is suited to a career in teaching?

2.   A role model for the younger defensive linemen, Pleasant has the perfect last name to suit his personality.

3.   My personality is better suited to a more frenetic activity than the practice of law.

4.   Rotella contends that players must decide which approach suits their personality and then stick with it.

5.   Shorter and more frequent stints better suit his personality.

6.   When Cowher began his coaching career, it was as a fiery special teams coach, a position in which his personality was perfectly suited for his job.

v. + personality >>共 255
have 24.71%
change 3.76%
reflect 2.89%
develop 2.75%
know 1.45%
fit 1.30%
affect 1.30%
lack 1.16%
take 1.16%
like 1.01%
suit 0.87%
suit + n. >>共 387
need 10.19%
game 4.14%
taste 4.03%
purpose 3.18%
style 2.55%
mood 1.49%
fine 1.38%
occasion 1.27%
circumstance 1.27%
interest 1.06%
personality 0.64%
每页显示:    共 6